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The Old Man and the Street: table of contents

August, 2004

17 — Got him (Stories)

September, 2004

17 — First Day with the Old Man (Contractors, Stories)
18 — The Work Begins (Maintenance)
18 — Lead Paint (Stories)
18 — Some Basics (Contractors, Maintenance, Unmuddling)
20 — Well, Duh. (Stories)
21 — Caulk hides all wounds (Contractors, Renovation, Woodwork)
24 — It's The Smell (Basement, Cleaning)
24 — A Brief History Lesson (Basement, History, Radiators)
25 — Basement Liberation (Basement, Demolition, Renovation, Unmuddling)
25 — Further Basement Adventures (Basement, Demolition, Renovation, Unmuddling)
26 — The Great Radiator Reef (Cleaning, Radiators)
26 — Architectural Style (History)
28 — Plumbing the Depths (Basement, Maintenance, Plumbing)
28 — Hardwood Floors Need Love Too (Contractors, Floors, Restoration, Unmuddling)
28 — More Estimates (Contractors)
29 — Was That Really Necessary? (Demolition, Unmuddling)
29 — Love for the floors (Floors, Renovation)
30 — Sanding, Sanding, and More Sanding (Floors, Renovation)

October, 2004

1 — More Sanding, and the winner of the stain contest! (Floors, Restoration)
2 — Just Plain Stain (Restoration)
4 — The Floors are Done. (Restoration)
6 — Still Smells (Restoration)
6 — Radiator Toys (Cleaning)
7 — Cleaning Up Inside and Out (Maintenance)
7 — Critters (Maintenance)
7 — Paint prep (Renovation)
8 — A Simple Primer (Renovation)
9 — Paint Paint Paint (Renovation)
9 — Goodbye Swingset (History, Stories)
9 — Tool Time (Renovation)
10 — Seeing Red (Renovation)
11 — How many coats??? (Renovation)
11 — Installing a Fountain in Your Bedroom (Emergency Repair, Stories)
11 — Miscellaneous Finds (Cleaning)
13 — Still Painting (Renovation)
15 — Bye-bye Peach Tub (Renovation)
16 — Getting to Know the Radiators (Maintenance, Renovation)
16 — Basement Abatement (Cleaning)
19 — Mold! (Maintenance)
21 — Breaking the Mold (Demolition)
23 — The Rain Comes Down... and In (Maintenance)
31 — Further Misadventures in the Basement (Cleaning, Demolition)
31 — More Flammable Fun (Cleaning)
31 — The Move-In Prep begins (Cleaning)
31 — Trick or...mumble mumble (Seasonal, Stories)

December, 2004

16 — Is This Thing On? (Stories)

January, 2005

3 — 100% Pure Uncut Funk (Cleaning)
5 — New Back Door (Renovation)
5 — The White Stuff (Stories)
6 — Well I didn't expect a leak there. (Maintenance)
10 — The Old Man and the Snow (Photos)
14 — Goodbye Pink Tub! (Renovation)
15 — More on Vitrolite (Renovation)
17 — Kitchen/Bathroom Before and After Photos (Painting, Renovation)
18 — Moen Can Bite My Ass (Emergency Repair, Plumbing)

February, 2005

1 — Flying High with Seal 'N' Peel (Maintenance)
9 — Go with the Flow (Maintenance)
13 — Insulation? What Insulation? (History)
14 — This Old Book (Reviews)
16 — What Were They Thinking Part I: The Woodwork (history, remuddling)
21 — Rumors of My Sanity Have Been Greatly Exaggerated (Basement, Woodworking)
24 — Not a Typewriter (Basement, History)

March, 2005

13 — What Were They Thinking Part II: The Basement Wiring (Basement, History, Remuddling)
24 — Rewired (Basement, Renovation)
26 — Benched (Basement, Woodworking)

April, 2005

3 — Peel Open the Windows (Maintenance)
18 — A Pleasant Diversion (Stories)
21 — There's Always Room for Jello! (Stories)
24 — Songs in the Attic (Attic, Demolition)

May, 2005

4 — The Big Red Fan of Death (Attic, stories)
26 — Where Did May Go? (Attic, Garden)
26 — Breathe in the Air (Attic, Garden)
29 — Sow What? (Garden)
30 — Empty Spaces (Attic, Demolition)

June, 2005

11 — Presents from Summer (Basement, Plaster)
15 — AC Install Day One: Wednesday, June 15th, 2005 (Air Conditioning, Attic)
16 — AC Install Day Two: Thursday, June 16th, 2005 (Air Conditioning, Attic)
17 — AC Install Day Three: Friday, June 17th, 2005 (Air Conditioning, Attic)
20 — AC Install Day Four: Monday, June 20th, 2005 (Air Conditioning, Attic)
21 — AC Install Day Five: Tuesday, June 21st, 2005 (Air Conditioning, Attic)
22 — AC Install Day Six: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2005 (Air Conditioning, Attic)
23 — AC Install Day Seven: Thursday, June 23rd, 2005 (Air Conditioning, Attic)

July, 2005

5 — AC Install Complete: Blower fixed (Air Conditioning, Attic)

August, 2005

15 — Ferragosto (Stories)
16 — The Old Man Hits the Street (Stories)


topic: Air Conditioning

2005-6-15 — AC Install Day One: Wednesday, June 15th, 2005
2005-6-16 — AC Install Day Two: Thursday, June 16th, 2005
2005-6-17 — AC Install Day Three: Friday, June 17th, 2005
2005-6-20 — AC Install Day Four: Monday, June 20th, 2005
2005-6-21 — AC Install Day Five: Tuesday, June 21st, 2005
2005-6-22 — AC Install Day Six: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2005
2005-6-23 — AC Install Day Seven: Thursday, June 23rd, 2005
2005-7-5 — AC Install Complete: Blower fixed

topic: Attic

2005-4-24 — Songs in the Attic
2005-5-4 — The Big Red Fan of Death
2005-5-26 — Where Did May Go?
2005-5-26 — Breathe in the Air
2005-5-30 — Empty Spaces
2005-6-15 — AC Install Day One: Wednesday, June 15th, 2005
2005-6-16 — AC Install Day Two: Thursday, June 16th, 2005
2005-6-17 — AC Install Day Three: Friday, June 17th, 2005
2005-6-20 — AC Install Day Four: Monday, June 20th, 2005
2005-6-21 — AC Install Day Five: Tuesday, June 21st, 2005
2005-6-22 — AC Install Day Six: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2005
2005-6-23 — AC Install Day Seven: Thursday, June 23rd, 2005
2005-7-5 — AC Install Complete: Blower fixed

topic: Basement

2004-9-24 — It's The Smell
2004-9-24 — A Brief History Lesson
2004-9-25 — Basement Liberation
2004-9-25 — Further Basement Adventures
2004-9-28 — Plumbing the Depths
2005-2-21 — Rumors of My Sanity Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
2005-2-24 — Not a Typewriter
2005-3-13 — What Were They Thinking Part II: The Basement Wiring
2005-3-24 — Rewired
2005-3-26 — Benched
2005-6-11 — Presents from Summer

topic: Cleaning

2004-9-24 — It's The Smell
2004-9-26 — The Great Radiator Reef
2004-10-6 — Radiator Toys
2004-10-11 — Miscellaneous Finds
2004-10-16 — Basement Abatement
2004-10-31 — Further Misadventures in the Basement
2004-10-31 — More Flammable Fun
2004-10-31 — The Move-In Prep begins
2005-1-3 — 100% Pure Uncut Funk

topic: Contractors

2004-9-17 — First Day with the Old Man
2004-9-18 — Some Basics
2004-9-21 — Caulk hides all wounds
2004-9-28 — Hardwood Floors Need Love Too
2004-9-28 — More Estimates

topic: Demolition

2004-9-25 — Basement Liberation
2004-9-25 — Further Basement Adventures
2004-9-29 — Was That Really Necessary?
2004-10-21 — Breaking the Mold
2004-10-31 — Further Misadventures in the Basement
2005-4-24 — Songs in the Attic
2005-5-30 — Empty Spaces

topic: Emergency Repair

2004-10-11 — Installing a Fountain in Your Bedroom
2005-1-18 — Moen Can Bite My Ass

topic: Floors

2004-9-28 — Hardwood Floors Need Love Too
2004-9-29 — Love for the floors
2004-9-30 — Sanding, Sanding, and More Sanding
2004-10-1 — More Sanding, and the winner of the stain contest!

topic: Garden

2005-5-26 — Where Did May Go?
2005-5-26 — Breathe in the Air
2005-5-29 — Sow What?

topic: History

2004-9-24 — A Brief History Lesson
2004-9-26 — Architectural Style
2004-10-9 — Goodbye Swingset
2005-2-13 — Insulation? What Insulation?
2005-2-16 — What Were They Thinking Part I: The Woodwork
2005-2-24 — Not a Typewriter
2005-3-13 — What Were They Thinking Part II: The Basement Wiring

topic: Maintenance

2004-9-18 — The Work Begins
2004-9-18 — Some Basics
2004-9-28 — Plumbing the Depths
2004-10-7 — Cleaning Up Inside and Out
2004-10-7 — Critters
2004-10-16 — Getting to Know the Radiators
2004-10-19 — Mold!
2004-10-23 — The Rain Comes Down... and In
2005-1-6 — Well I didn't expect a leak there.
2005-2-1 — Flying High with Seal 'N' Peel
2005-2-9 — Go with the Flow
2005-4-3 — Peel Open the Windows

topic: Painting

2005-1-17 — Kitchen/Bathroom Before and After Photos

topic: Photos

2005-1-10 — The Old Man and the Snow

topic: Plaster

2005-6-11 — Presents from Summer

topic: Plumbing

2004-9-28 — Plumbing the Depths
2005-1-18 — Moen Can Bite My Ass

topic: Radiators

2004-9-24 — A Brief History Lesson
2004-9-26 — The Great Radiator Reef

topic: remuddling

2005-2-16 — What Were They Thinking Part I: The Woodwork
2005-3-13 — What Were They Thinking Part II: The Basement Wiring

topic: Renovation

2004-9-21 — Caulk hides all wounds
2004-9-25 — Basement Liberation
2004-9-25 — Further Basement Adventures
2004-9-29 — Love for the floors
2004-9-30 — Sanding, Sanding, and More Sanding
2004-10-7 — Paint prep
2004-10-8 — A Simple Primer
2004-10-9 — Paint Paint Paint
2004-10-9 — Tool Time
2004-10-10 — Seeing Red
2004-10-11 — How many coats???
2004-10-13 — Still Painting
2004-10-15 — Bye-bye Peach Tub
2004-10-16 — Getting to Know the Radiators
2005-1-5 — New Back Door
2005-1-14 — Goodbye Pink Tub!
2005-1-15 — More on Vitrolite
2005-1-17 — Kitchen/Bathroom Before and After Photos
2005-3-24 — Rewired

topic: Restoration

2004-9-28 — Hardwood Floors Need Love Too
2004-10-1 — More Sanding, and the winner of the stain contest!
2004-10-2 — Just Plain Stain
2004-10-4 — The Floors are Done.
2004-10-6 — Still Smells

topic: Reviews

2005-2-14 — This Old Book

topic: Seasonal

2004-10-31 — Trick or...mumble mumble

topic: Stories

2004-8-17 — Got him
2004-9-17 — First Day with the Old Man
2004-9-18 — Lead Paint
2004-9-20 — Well, Duh.
2004-10-9 — Goodbye Swingset
2004-10-11 — Installing a Fountain in Your Bedroom
2004-10-31 — Trick or...mumble mumble
2004-12-16 — Is This Thing On?
2005-1-5 — The White Stuff
2005-4-18 — A Pleasant Diversion
2005-4-21 — There's Always Room for Jello!
2005-5-4 — The Big Red Fan of Death
2005-8-15 — Ferragosto
2005-8-16 — The Old Man Hits the Street

topic: Unmuddling

2004-9-18 — Some Basics
2004-9-25 — Basement Liberation
2004-9-25 — Further Basement Adventures
2004-9-28 — Hardwood Floors Need Love Too
2004-9-29 — Was That Really Necessary?

topic: Woodwork

2004-9-21 — Caulk hides all wounds

topic: Woodworking

2005-2-21 — Rumors of My Sanity Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
2005-3-26 — Benched